Advanced Search

You can use the controls below to search and filter the data we have about common good assets. The results shown on this page will vary depending on what you type below.

Use the search box below to search the name of any common good asset. For example, try “shop”, “painting” or “park”. You can leave this blank if you’re not sure.

Use the tick boxes below to show only assets from a particular common good fund. Click on the “See more” link at the bottom of the list to show all common good funds.

Use the tick boxes below to choose whether you want to include moveable or non-moveable common good assets in your search. You can select both types too see all assets. Moveable assets are things like artworks, furniture or civic regalia. Non-moveable assets are mostly property assets.

Use this to sort the results by value or date last updated. Note, at present there are a large number of assets with no known value, so sorting by value may be of limited use for many searches.

Provosts robes plus tricorn hat
Fife Council
Provost’s Robe and hat
Fife Council
Provost of Duns bicorne hat
Provost’s Robes & Hats (2 of each)
Baillies Robes & Hats
Provost’s hat
Fife Council
town officer’s hat
Fife Council
civic hat box
Fife Council
civic hat box
Fife Council
civic hat
Fife Council
civic hat
Fife Council
civic hat
Fife Council
civic hat
Fife Council
civic hat
Fife Council
civic hat
Fife Council